What song you ever
recorded means the most to you and
I’d have to say a song called “Ghost
Story” written by Roger Miller. It
means the most because I’m the first
artist to ever release that track.
During the process of writing the book on
him, “Ain’t Got No Cigarettes: Memories of
Music Legend Roger Miller”, I met a lot of
great people and got my hands on some
unreleased songs by Roger, Waylon
Jennings, Roy Orbison and even Buddy
Holly. I recorded all of those
previously unreleased songs but I like the
Roger Miller track the best because it’s
the darkest. It’s about a guy who
died in 1970 and he’s haunted by watching
what his widow is up to while he’s
gone. It’s genius, though few have
heard it.
Excerpt from an interview conducted by